In advance of a formal guidance on patent subject matter eligibility, the USPTO has issued a memorandum to patent examiners to make sure that claims include elements that amount to significantly more than the restatement or application of existing laws of nature. Recognizing and capitalizing on the correlation between laws of nature is not sufficient. The claim must have additional features, contributed by the inventors, that transform the subject matter.
Jeffrey Waldin
Jeffrey Waldin has nearly twenty years of experience in regulatory compliance, with an emphasis on the design and implementation of office processes and information systems. He has been involved with AUTM since 2003, and acted as an early stage judge from the AUTM Venture Forum competition for the last two years. He has also been involved with SRA since 2003, and has served on the Education and Professional Development Committee for the past two years. Jeffrey has been with InfoEd Global for twelve years, for the last nine as the Product Manager responsible for intellectual property and conflict of interest management.