Keeping to the same topic this month, I will briefly discuss using the Research Output Module for Copyright Clearance.
Copyright clearance is an extremely important part of the academic lifecycle and some institutions do not have a system in place to help them manage and report these requests. The question is, are we making the RO module fit into an area it shouldn’t be? Not really.
The RO module provides the institution with a customizable form (the eForm), an approval route, reporting and bulk letters (batch comms). Using these functions allows the institution to develop an application form, routing that can forward the application to the Copyright Office. Once at the Copyright Office, the administrator can run reports and print the PDFs (of the eForm). These PDFs can then be sent to the publishing house. The only outstanding question is, where or how do we capture the financial information? Simple, by adding UDFs.
Using the additional UDFs on a separate page on the form or even as an “Administrator Only” eform, allows the copyright officer to keep the information available, easy to access and reportable.
If you require more information or examples, please contact us.