Just when you thought you were getting a handle on National Institutes of Health’s new FCOI policy… The US National Science Foundation (NSF) is soliciting comment on their proposal to carry out a survey to better understand how NSF grantees identify, oversee, and manage financial conflicts of interest in research funded by NSF. NSF posted the second notice of a 30 day comment period seeking input on their planned survey, specifically on the necessity, accuracy of their burden estimate, ways to enhance the survey’s quality , or ways to minimize the burden on respondents.
Roger Wood
Roger has worked in research administration including pre-award, compliance, conflicts of interest, animal facility and recharge center management, and information systems for more than 25 years. His focus in recent years has been on electronic research information systems, working since 2006 with InfoEd Global and its client institutions in his role as Associate Vice President for Product Management. Roger is an expert in the area of electronic proposal submission and works closely with colleagues through the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP), SRA and NCURA sharing information and participating in working groups.