The President’s budget request to Congress for FY 2013 will be released shortly and the formal discussions will ensue. The White House released a fact sheet on the budget in advance of the full budget release next week. >
Included in the fact sheet is this proposal:
Level funding for biomedical research at NIH ($30.7 billion); and to get more out of the money, proposes new grant management policies to increase the number of new research grants by 7 percent.
Wondering what new grant management policies refers to? It is reasonable to speculate on at least some of what’s included in the thinking behind this statement. Reducing the salary cap for HHS awards is a step in this direction. NIH’s recent notice to flatline future awards is another. There might be changes flowing from the Research Business Models Working Group’s A21 Task Force that could potentially help “get more out of the money.” I’m sure we’ll be hearing more on this front over the coming weeks and months as the budget gets negotiated between the White House and Congress.
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