Do you recognize any of these PIs?
- Dr. Studies, AKA Dr. “We Can Do That”
- Dr. Enrollment, AKA Dr. “I Want to Enroll an Incarcerated Schizophrenic Patient with Dual Primaries”
- Dr. Yes, AKA Dr. “I’ll Do It by the End of the Day”
- Dr. Busy, AKA Dr. “Can You Come Back Later?”
- Dr. Uninvolved, AKA Dr. “If You Need Me, You Know Where to Find Me”
- Dr. Intimidation, AKA Dr. “If You Have to Ask, You Must Not Know What You Are Doing”
- Dr. Condescending, AKA “I’m the Doctor Here”
- Dr. My Rules, AKA Dr. “Rules Are for People Who Need Rules to Follow”
- Dr. Compassion, AKA Dr. “Let’s Find a Way to Treat this Patient with the Study Drug”
- Dr. Money, AKA Dr. “What Does the Study Pay?”
- Dr. Publication, AKA Dr. “I’m Giving Five Talks at ASCO Next Month”
This month’s Journal of Clinical Research Best Practices includes a humorous take on the different varieties of problem PIs, along with suggestions that will be helpful to research coordinators as well as IRB professionals.