Stay connected with InfoEd and your peers!

How do I or other appropriate members of my team get notified about things going on with InfoEd Global and receive emails that are going out to the entire InfoEd Global user community?
Contact Jim Mitchell, , and ask him to verify that you are on the email list for the user community. We send out release notices, newsletters, schedule for events, marketing material, etc. to this group all the time.

What is the ICAG?
The InfoEd Community Advisory Group (ICAG) is comprised of stakeholders from ALL of our client institutions including YOU! The intent of this collective is to infuse user perspective into InfoEd Global processes to ensure that the course we are collectively headed down accounts for the business processes of each of our clients as well as industry regulations and ventures while also minding the context of our suite of products.  Feedback from participation in Town Hall Meetings as well as other non-formal communication are eagerly solicited and it is the goal of InfoEd Global and the ICAG Steering Committee to gain the participation from each institution so everyone can contribute to the course.

How do I join ICAG?
Good News! You are already a member.  If you are reading this email then you are included in the mailing lists to receive exciting information regarding ICAG events and agendas.  Please join us to weigh in and network with colleagues from the InfoEd Global user community.

What is the ICAG Steering Committee?
The InfoEd Community Advisory Group Steering Committee (say that 5 times quickly) is comprised of volunteers from several of our client institutions who are interested in fostering networking among the client base, sharing their experiences and expertise with the community, and helping to further efforts geared toward contributing to the InfoEd Global path.

What does the ICAG Steering Committee do?
This group determines the agenda for topics for the ICAG Town Hall Meetings and introduces to the agendas topics that they and other clients have concerns with or might be interested in, works closely with InfoEd Global on efforts geared to improve our products and foster effective communication with the collective of client institutions and InfoEd Global, and in general focuses, contributes, and drives efforts to keep us all on that path to mutual success.    Some examples of projects tackled this year include but are not limited to:

  • Enhancement Survey: For the first time, individual client enhancement requests were reviewed and prioritized by the entire user community.  These recommended enhancements were submitted to InfoEd Global for consideration.  Look for another round of this process in the Fall.  We also want to discuss how to refine the process to best serve US and international clients.
  • Webinars and Networking Events:  Several module or functional area specific sessions were held this year and we are working on getting more on the calendar that will cover topics that have been suggested by the user community.  Some of the events will be facilitated open forums to network and share experiences or insight and ask questions around a  certain topic or functional area and others will be more formal presentations or demonstrations by InfoEd Global or client institutions followed by a questions and answer session.  Keep your eyes peeled for announcements of upcoming events!
  • ICAG Town Hall Meetings:  Held quarterly and generally include coverage and review with InfoEd Global regarding client submitted topics, product and release updates, occasionally client demonstrations and material, and general updates and discussion around issues related to InfoEd Global functionality and training, and industry compliance and challenges.

What is the time/effort commitment for participation in the ICAG Steering Committee?
The Steering Committee meets the first Wednesday of each month from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm Eastern (UTC-05:00).  Participation and effort for projects undertaken by the committee is completely voluntary and typically not too burdensome.

How do I join the Steering Committee?
To join the ICAG Steering Committee you can email our acting ICAG Chair, Andrew Ludington, at

How do I access the current ICAG Forum?
Though we currently have a project underway to implement a new community tool, keep your eyes peeled for news on this project, we have an existing tool that our user community currently contributes to.  It is accessed at

Those who don’t yet have accounts can register by clicking on the “Register” link near the top right of the page. It may take a couple of business days for the new account to be established once you register.  There are a number of forums dedicated to various modules and some specific functions or topical areas; most of the top level forums shown in the image below have a variety of sub-forums underneath. For example, under Proposals, there are distinct areas for Proposal Development and Proposal Tracking, as well as other lesser used areas. As you can see, the Proposals icon below is red, indicating that I have unread posts in that area to review.

What are Proposal Development Alerts Bundles?
Source of Information: InfoEdge article contributed by Roger Wood, Senior Product Manager for the May 3, 2011 issue. 

How do I subscribe to the InfoEdge newsletter and ensure I am getting all the communications from InfoEd Global and the ICAG that I should be getting?
If you are receiving this email you are on our email list and should be receiving notifications that are sent out by ICAG and InfoEd Global.  If you or someone at your institution is not receiving notification of our monthly newsletter or frequent announcements or updates from InfoEd Global and/or ICAG please contact and he will work with you to make sure you are signed up.  The newsletter can be accessed at

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