SPIN Program Deadlines and Deadline Notes

A deadline for an opportunity is not as straightforward as it might seem at first. Sponsors sometimes have varying requirements, multiple tiers of applications, and multiple rounds for a particular opportunity. Sometimes a sponsor will require a notice of intent, and sometimes they may just suggest, but will not require a Notice of Intent (NOI). SPIN standardizes the form that this data is presented in based upon a handful of rules.

The deadline dates found within SPIN programs will be reflective of the earliest required deadline for a particular opportunity. For example, an opportunity requiring a NOI to be submitted on June 1, and the full application to be submitted at a later date, will have June 1 set as the deadline date for the SPIN program. If the opposite is true, the NOI deadline is optional and that the full application is due on July 1, then the SPIN program will have July 1 set as the deadline. In both cases, the SPIN program should contain some text in the Deadline Notes section explaining the application process and requirements for the specific opportunity. In the case of an opportunity with multiple rounds for applications, each individual date required will be listed on the SPIN program.

The above practices are in place to ensure that when you are searching for opportunities and filtering on deadline date, you are filtering against what is required of you as an applicant. Please be aware that the particular opportunity you are looking at may have a multiple step application process, and that information is available within the SPIN program record as well.

If you have any questions regarding SPIN products, contact our product manager, David Jetter at djetter@infoed.org.

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