The Office of Management and Budget and Office of Science and Technology Policy issued a policy memorandum to the heads of executive departments and agencies on April 21, 2010, establishing the uniform RPPR for use by agencies supporting research and research-related activities. The uniform RPPR will replace other interim performance reporting formats used by agencies.
The RPPR was developed by the Research Business Models (RBM) Subcommittee of the Committee on Science, National Science and Technology Council. The RBM published the proposed draft RPPR format for public comment in the Federal Register November 9, 2007, and the final format on January 13, 2010. Additional information about this process and the RPPR Final Format are available on the federal-wide RPPR website hosted by the National Science Foundation.
The RPPR will replace:
PHS Non-competing Continuation Progress Report (PHS 2590)
eSNAP module in the eRA Commons
NIH and AHRQ Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Individual Fellowship Progress Report for Continuation Support (PHS 416-9)
Pilot testing of the RPPR for NIH awards will begin in late April 2012 with a limited number of institutions, and will include most awards not requiring submission of an annual detailed budget. NIH anticipates expanding this pilot to all Federal Demonstration Partnership institutions during the summer of 2012. Full implementation for fellowships and all awards issued under the Streamlined Non-competing Award Process (SNAP) is scheduled for awards made in Calendar Year 2013. Implementation for complex mechanisms and non-SNAP awards has not been determined and further guidance will be provided at a later date.
NIH will implement the RPPR as a new module in the eRA Commons. NIH implementation also includes the following PHS agencies that use existing progress reports maintained by NIH:
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
System-to-system submission of the RPPR is anticipated as a future option, however it will not be an option initially. No specific timeframe has been established for S2S submission availability.
Information and training materials will be available on the NIH RPPR website.