An IdeaScale page was launched by US Federal officials this week to collect ideas for reducing technological barriers encountered by disabled individuals when interacting with the federal government as employees or citizens seeking services or information. This information gathering exercise follows a series of listening sessions for the same purpose, with the goal of responding to the President’s directive to develop a strategic plan for Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act. From the President’s July 26th statement:
Section 508 requires that federal agencies’ electronic and information technology be accessible to people with disabilities, both inside and outside the government. 12 years after this law was enacted, many technological barriers still exist, limiting the ability of persons with disabilities when they try to interact with the federal government, whether as an employee or as a citizen seeking information or services.
The IdeaScale page allows anyone to submit new ideas, review ideas submitted by others, or comment and vote on existing ideas. The page will be closed to new activity on April 9, 2012.