Universities Australia is behind a new campaign called ‘Keep It Clever’. It aims to maintain a thriving university sector in Australia and to ensure proper, ongoing public investment in university education and research. The initiative argues that for Australia to…
Reefer and Research Administration

The word should have been “Reaper” not “Reefer”. I realized this faux pas the other day when I was in a GoToMeeting session and we were having a very lively discussion and it abruptly became uncomfortably quiet. I was sharing…

In biology, symbiosis is the name given to a mutually beneficial relationship between two or more organisms. Without this relationship, both may die, or at least not grow and reproduce as successfully. A recent article in Science, “Sulfur Oxidation Genes…

Or, more accurately, Gender and Research Administration – but then, that wouldn’t have grabbed your attention nearly as much! A recent post by David Grimm in the ScienceNow blog over at the AAAS Science website caught my attention. The original…

And now, the DATA Act is on the Way to the President. The Senate passed a version of the DATA Act on April 1oth. That version of the DATA Act passed the House of Representatives today on a voice vote…

[video_player type=”youtube” youtube_remove_logo=”Y” youtube_show_title_bar=”Y” width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cDovL3lvdXR1LmJlL3JkX3l1YklIQTJN[/video_player] The National Science Foundation: A Foundation for Innovation A great new video posted last week by the National Science Foundation documenting the power of basic research to spur innovation and the…