The public comment period closed at 5:00pm Monday, April 30, on OMB’s Advance Notice of Proposed Guidance on Reform of Federal Policies Relating to Grants and Cooperative Agreements; cost principles and administrative requirements (including Single Audit Act). 331 comments were submitted in response to the posting through the deadline – April 30 (several comments have been submitted today, May 1st, also…). Comments can be viewed at Another new bit of web magic is worth noting – recent changes to the Federal Register online now also has added visibility into information from So, on the Federal Register page for this OMB Notice, look at the sidebar on the right side of the page for a “ Docket Info” section. A link to the page and a current count of comments posted is provided.
Roger Wood
Roger has worked in research administration including pre-award, compliance, conflicts of interest, animal facility and recharge center management, and information systems for more than 25 years. His focus in recent years has been on electronic research information systems, working since 2006 with InfoEd Global and its client institutions in his role as Associate Vice President for Product Management. Roger is an expert in the area of electronic proposal submission and works closely with colleagues through the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP), SRA and NCURA sharing information and participating in working groups.