NSF Digital Data Access

In response to the President’s Digital Government Strategy, the National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks guidance in prioritizing its efforts. NSF is seeking input to help identify what NSF data sets are of most interest to the public. Individuals can suggest data sets they would like to see made available and can vote and comment on the relative importance to them of ideas others have submitted.

Currently, there are eight suggested data sets identified on the site. Public access to additional NSF data will be achieved via Application Programming Interfaces (API), which will allow web developers to access previously inaccessible or difficult to work with NSF data electronically, merge NSF data with information from other sources, and present it in new and innovative ways. Currently posted ideas include Project Outcome Reports, NSF Award information and funding rates, The Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System (SESTAT), and Science and Engineering Indicators, among others.  The site for data collection went live on August 8th and will be available until August 22nd.

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