In a recent Notice (NOT-OD-12-139), NIH published changes “in payment method, policies, and processes for awards to foreign institutions made on or after October 1, 2012” and also changes to FFR requirements for foreign institutions. Note that these changes do not affect US domestic institutions with awards including foreign components.
Foreign institution payments will be migrating into the Payment Management System (PMS) and away from the traditional fixed quarterly advance via check or wire transfer that has been past practice. In addition to the transition to PMS, the process for carryover funds between FY 2012 and FY 2013 will be affected.
Additional changes in Federal Financial Report (FFR) requirements and currency exchange rates used for drawdowns are also described in the Notice. All non-US institutions with direct NIH awards are affected by these changes. Non-US institutions receiving funds via sub award from a US institution are not impacted by these changes as they will continue to be paid via the terms and conditions of their sub award agreements with the Prime awardee.
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