As everyone is aware, the NIH began posting new opportunities using updated forms, the “Adobe – Forms-B2” Three changes are incorporated into the new forms. Two of the changes are invisible to InfoEd users as they merely correct errors that existed previously but do not change any functionality or involve user interface changes.
The third change moves most NIH applications to using the version of the 424 detailed budget that supports up to 30 subaward attachments (previously, NIH used the version that supported only 10 subawards). Again, this is invisible to users except that now, they can add up to 30 subawards. Note that further changes will be forthcoming by NIH, probably in 2012, that implement revisions to the SF424 RR family of forms, and that are going through their three-year OMB approval process currently.
The Adobe B2 changes are relatively minor for InfoEd clients running version 12 code and the availability of a patch to support use of “B2” forms for version 12 code is imminent. Supporting “B2” forms in version 11 code is more complex as we have to incorporate support for the 30 subaward version of the detailed budget which is currently only supported in v12; we anticipate an announcement soon regarding availability of a v 11 patch.
While new “B2” parent packages for R01, R03 and R21 mechanisms have been posted, the “B1” forms can continue to be used through January 8, 2012. New opportunities being posted are only being posted with “B2” packages. “B2” opportunities will appear in search results in PD once the “B2” patch is in place. Code requirements to take the “B2” patch are:
- V12 – 12.802.04 preferable; 12.802.02 minimum (additional hand patches required)
- V11 – 11.802.04
Please direct your questions to InfoEd Support.