For those interesed in toxicant research or their effects, a community webinar will be held to explain the Toxic Release Inventory data that the EPA publishes. From the announcement:
The Environmental Council of the States (ECOS) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) invite you to attend the TRI Fall webinar, Introduction to the Toxics Release Inventory for Communities, on November 8, 2012 from 1-2:30 pm EST.
The webinar will provide an introduction for community grassroots groups and others who serve as community leaders about how to access and use EPA’s Toxics Release Inventory data. TRI can help address local community concerns about toxic chemical emissions, and associated environmental impacts. Webinar participants will learn about TRI basics, as well as about EPA’s recent pilot project with four communities. Participants will hear from one of these community’s grassroots groups which, as a result of the pilot project, is now using TRI data to build on its ongoing efforts to protect the community from industrial pollution.
Featured speakers will include:
- Shelley Fudge, TRI Community Engagement Initiative lead in US EPA’s Washington, DC Office
- Lily Lee, the TRI Coordinator for US EPA’s San Francisco Office, and
- Erin Heaney, Executive Director of the Clean Air Coalition of Western New York.
All are welcome to participate! For more information, including soon to be posted agenda, speaker bios, etc. please visit: To register, go to
Once you’ve completed the registration form you will receive an email confirming your registration for the Webinar from Jennifer Major of Ross Strategic, along with the option to add the Webinar information to your Outlook® Calendar.
Webinar Contacts
Bryan Shipley, ECOS at
Christine Arcari, US EPA at