Just a friendly reminder to ensure you are reviewing all of the funding opportunities available to you.
SMARTS is the easiest way to utilize SPIN to find new funding opportunities. Investigators will generally only be notified of opportunities once through SMARTS.
A regular SPIN Search with the same parameters would consistently produce the same set of programs, along with any new additions. However, investigators only have the ability to set their own applicant type selections for SMARTS that fall into the individual category, they do not have access to institutional applicant types.
Since the vast majority of funding available is directed at organizations, not individuals, it is necessary for your GENIUS administrator to ensure that you have institutional applicant types set appropriately by going to Personnel Admin > Misc. Setups > Institutional Applicant Types, and selecting any that apply to your organization. Otherwise, you are missing out on the vast majority of the opportunities that the InfoEd SPIN team reviews and enters.
If you have questions about the services mentioned above contact David Jetter, SPIN’s Product Manager at djetter@infoed.org.