As we continue to refine our support processes, we have developed and recently implemented new initiatives geared toward providing meaningful and more frequent communications regarding the status of I.T.E.M.S. issues in our internal cycle.
Here are a few guidelines to help interpret the statuses that we place I.T.E.M.S. issues into:
- New Issue/Information Collection: The issue is still being completed by the user -or- our intake process is underway and not yet completed.
- Being Validated/Triaged: The Product Engineering team is validating the issue and obtaining all necessary information for resolution. This includes reproducing the issue on your environment and on ours and updating the issue with internal documentation requirements to record findings.
- Functional Clarification: The issue is being reviewed by our Vetting Team, which is comprised of Product Managers, Product Engineers and functional and technical resources. Daily vetting sessions are conducted to review issues and questions proposed against product context to review the details of the reported finding and discuss the best approach to resolving the issue or answering the question.
- Under Tech Analysis: The issue has been verified and vetted and is with our Development Team. In our communications through the issue, we will make our best effort to provide specific details of where in the Development cycle the issue is. We are making efforts to have the supporting communications through the issue identify whether the issue is in the development queue and assigned to a developer but not yet being actively worked on or the issue is being actively worked on at that time.
- Enhancement, Release TBD: This ITEM is an enhancement request that will be considered for a future release but a release has not yet been defined.
- Need Info From Client: Additional information from the party reporting the issue is necessary for our team to help gain resolution.
- Resolution Available: The fix for the issue has been completed and a resolution (handpatch) is available for it.
- Resolution Available (Pending Upgrade): The fix for this issue has been completed but requires that the client upgrade in order to have the fix reflected in their environment. Oftentimes, we are unable to handpatch resolutions due to size or because the current version of code on the client’s environment will not include key functionality that the current resolution needs in place to function.
- Handpatch Requested: The client has requested with an understanding of the risks involved, to take a patch of the fix. The issue will remain in this status as our Support Team schedules the patch.
- Handpatch In Progress: The Developer or Product Engineer is actively on your environment patching or testing the resolution.
- Client does not want fix applied yet: The client has chosen not to have the fix applied until a later date.
- Need Client Verification of Fix: The issue is resolved and we need client notification that they have accepted the solution.
- Accepted – Pending Migration: The issue has been resolved on one level of environment and needs to be put on hold until it passes on over environment levels.
- InfoEd Follow-Up Needed: A member of the InfoEd team needs to take action and follow up on the issue.
- Upgrade Requested: The client has requested an upgrade to their environment.
- Upgrade Scheduled: Our Upgrade Team has scheduled the upgrade with the client. The ticket will sit in this status until the upgrade begins.
- Upgrade In Progress: Our Upgrade and Testing Teams are actively on your environment applying the upgrade or performing apres-upgrade testing.
- Upgrade Completed: The upgrade has completed all InfoEd steps and client sign off is requested.
- Closed: issue has been resolved and removed from the client’s open queue.