Disaster Planning webinar offered by OLAW

Disaster Planning: March 7, OLAW Webinar 

The Guide requires that institutions develop disaster plans that take into account both the well-being of animals and consideration of personnel during unexpected events that compromise ongoing animal care (See OLAW FAQ G3). Join OLAW on March 7 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm ET for a webinar “Disaster Planning” to learn about how your institution can prepare for natural and other disasters that may impact animal care and use programs. Guest speaker Stephen Durkee will provide best practice insights into developing a disaster plan compliant with the Guide.

 The OLAW Online Seminars program is a free webinar series to help IACUCs and IOs explore their responsibilities in the oversight of PHS-funded research that involves the use of live vertebrate animals. A one-time enrollment is required to participate in the program. Find out more at http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/e-seminars.htm.

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