Departures from the Guide: OLAW Webinar, September 13

A webinar entitled “Departures from the Guide” will be presented on September 13, 2012 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm ET by OLAW.

The 8th Edition of the Guide emphasizes performance standards and provides increased flexibility in the management and oversight of animal care and use programs. Has this expanded focus on performance standards left you wondering about the PHS requirement to report departures from the Guide in the semiannual report to the IO? Participate in this Webinar for an in depth explanation of why, what, and when to report.

 The OLAW Online Seminars program is a free webinar series to help IACUCs and IOs explore their responsibilities in the oversight of PHS-funded research that involves the use of live vertebrate animals.

A one-time enrollment is required to participate in the program. Find out more at

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