Conditional Allele Mouse Planner (CAMP): Software to facilitate the planning and design of breeding strategies involving mice with conditional alleles

An online Java-based software tool called CAMP is available to design breeding strategies and predict costs of generating mice with inheritable conditional alleles.  Upon running the applet, users can enter genetic information on up to 6 alleles per gender of variable breeding ratios, and the program will calculate the expected inheritance.  The second part of the program uses the inheritance plan to calculate time and cost of the breeding program.

This program was created by J Hoffert, T Pisitkun, and RL Miller, and originally published as: Hoffert JD, Pisitkun T, Miller RL. Conditional Allele Mouse Planner (CAMP): software to facilitate the planning and design of breeding strategies involving mice with conditional alleles. Transgenic Res. 2011 Aug 26.

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