There are lots of us in the research compliance world; the thing that unites us is a the practice of understanding and approving proposed research, whether it involves the use of humans, animals, plants, or a myriad of other organisms, agents, toxins, etc. While we may all work in a college or university setting, it can be a nice change to hear about “non-traditional” compliance activities, and sources of information outside our campuses. I wrote about several of these over the past year, including a list of Twitter resources, the Natural Resources Inventory, Rare Disease informational webinars, and the NCI Directors Report. I recent received blog emails from the Polar Research Board and the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, both overseen by the National Academies. The Polar Research Board serves as a committee to international scientific committees that review, promote, and coordinate Arctic and Antarctic research. The Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate is concerned with climate change and the study of atmospheric sciences. Their webpages are an interesting read. And finally, here are two links to articles on the safe transport of research animals and agents.
While regulations and guidance can change, we all have the opportunity to contribute to the review process, and what we do does matter.