A Perspective on Women in Research Compliance As a consultant I’ve had the opportunity to work with a number of Research Compliance (IRB and IACUC) offices across the country as well as working exclusively in one for several years and…

Recently, the NIH Clinical Center Directors Annual Report was released by the National Institutes of Health.  The NIH Clinical Center is the “world’s largest hospital completely dedicated to clinical research”.  In addition to detailing this year’s achievements, this year marks…

The Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) will enter Phase VI in September 2014 and is open to applications from organizations receiving federal research funding, including public and private colleges and universities receiving federal research funding (including predominantly undergraduate institutions and minority…

Being a Non-Scientific, Community member of an Institutional Review Board can be one of the most intimidating assignments out there. Imagine at least once a month having to read mountains of documents inundated with scientific jargon, while having a non-clinical…

When folks think of the “goals of research”, most will say the goals are to improve the human condition or contribute to the general scientific knowledge base.  Investigation into Agriculture may not be in their Top 10.  A recent report…