In the spirit of encouraging entrepreneurship, the Government Law Center at Albany Law School is organizing a day-long event that will offer free legal workshops and free legal consultations to Capital Region entrepreneurs.
The event will be held September 12, 2014. Registration is required to attend, and entrepreneurs looking for a free consultation must fill out an additional application, which is due August 6, 2014.
Additional information can be found at the event website:
I had the opportunity to attend a CLE course a while ago, also organized by the Government Law Center and presented by a partner in law firm that specializes in intellectual property. One of the challenges that we face is the public perception that intellectual property is just about companies enforcing their patents. The fact is that every company is in some way defined by its intellectual property, not just patents, but copyrights and trademarks down to the name of the company itself.
There is increasing recognition that intellectual property establishes definitions, without which new companies, and in some cases the products and services that they provide, could not survive.
Startup Law Day and other projects of the Government Law Center are not specific to technology companies, but there is an inclination towards promoting technology in the area. START-UP NY for example, provides incentives for businesses to relocate, start up or significantly expand in New York State through affiliations with public and private universities, colleges and community colleges. Two of the benefits noted are:
- Businesses will have access to resources of world-class higher education institutions, including industry experts and advanced research laboratories.
- Universities and colleges will become tax-free communities that provide their students and teachers access to real-world, cutting edge business experiences.
These initiatives demonstrate how the public interest is not served only by specific products and services, or the companies that provide them. Giving entrepreneurs the tools to be successful does not diminish their success, however it does show an understanding that there are other ways to contribute.